Customized or Personalized Learning
It is a type of learning in which power is transmitted to the learners and teachers decide with them learning styles. Basically it is the adaptation of educational methods and techniques. This enables learners to decide their learning styles and time. Conventional learning styles include crowded class in which there is less engagement with teachers. Customized learning styles means one-on-one educational in which outline, schedule and style of learning is finalized by the student and teacher. This type of learning enables fast grasping of concepts and exposure to modernized learning.

Customized Learning Strategies
There are different strategies for personalized learning. The strategies mainly vary student by student and instructor by instructor. But there are some core points steps which are necessary in every strategy of personalized learning. The tutors we possess are bound to follow these steps and made customized learning fruitful. These steps are made possible by the combine effort of both student and tutor which are as follow.

It is considered as one of the important aspect of personalized learning strategies. It develops understanding among the student and tutor, which lead to positive results in future. Collaboration means understanding each other or enhancing relationship in between. Our company offers the student to select any tutor from the bunch of intelligent individuals. After that they can fix their meetings and finalize schedule and time etc. Besides that, they can share their strengths and weaknesses which will provide an idea about their personalities. The tutor can test the student with different questions at initial stages to have an idea about his intelligence.

Plan and Outline
After the goals are finalized it is necessary that there should be a proper plan to achieve those goals. The plane is composed of schedule and outline mainly. It is necessary that the student and teacher set together and point out the learning times they both are comfortable with. It is compulsory that the content is decided first, like what are the chapters of the course which will be addressed? which type of questions will be prioritized etc. After that a proper schedule should be made containing the duration of the course, number of lectures, quizzes and presentations etc. The tutor has to ensure that he follows the timetable strictly so that the outline is addressed on time.

Goals and Predicted Results
This is one of the important phase in which the student and tutor sit together and finalize some goals. The goals can be to achieve a certain percentage or grade at the end of the course. Objective plays an important role in setting up goals so they will be included in defining goals. Besides that, the instructor will set particular targets and he will bound student to try and achieve them. Line of instructions and boundaries will be identified by the tutor in the start of the course. The tutor has main role in this section where he will assess the student and define goals that are within the reach of that student. Every kid has strength and weaknesses and their goals also defend on these factors.

Equipment's and its accessibility.
Due to diverse nature of learning styles finalizing of equipment's and its accessibility has become important. Two types of learning are possible i.e. Virtual and Face-to-face. In physical learning equipment's are different as compared to virtual so it is important to identify correct materials. E.g. in physical learning book, notebook, pen and multimedia will work while in virtual learning laptop and phones etc. can be used. The styles are diverse so as the demand therefore along with equipment's their availability is also important for example access to internet in virtual type of learning. The tutor will have the responsibility of providing necessary notes to students if applicable.

Technology Involvement
Technology has evolved greatly over the years and specially in 21st century. The concept of customized or personalized learning has become a reality because of the ever transforming technology. Technology has made possible new ways of learning which are less time consuming and accessible. Some of the ways which are made possible by technology are as follow.
Adaptive learning has increased which means that keeping in view the situation, time and location while learning. One of the best example is that of virtual learning in Covid-19 times. Adaptive learning is appreciated by our tutors.
Auto assessment which will be one of our priority is also an important part of technology enhancement in learning. Like using portals to assess quizzes and assignment
Tutors are responsible for the learning and they assist students on technology while teaching.
Technology enables self-oriented learning like involvement of digital technology e.g. You Tube.
Virtual industrial visits and experimentations are made possible by the technology. It will be the priority of our tutors to provide virtual assistance so that the student can make best use of the virtual technology.
Positive outcomes of personalized learning
Personalized learning has many benefits and less disadvantages. If personalized learning is carried out with proper plan then there will be higher possibilities for positive results. Our company is offering strategies customized or personalized learning which will have many advantages if you want to know them move forward.
make your mind clear
The opinion of people related to personalized learning vary, some thing that its a revolution while the other criticize because of their lack of knowledge. Behind criticism there are some reason which should be cleared before you join our personalized learning team. Make your mind clear by knowing more about some of the myths individual possess about personalized learning.
Working Techniques of Customized Learning
There are different types of methods used for customized learning. The methods vary according to the number of individuals involved, teaching styles and level of education. Below some of the methods will be given which will be most probably followed by our tutors. These working methods are highly effective and it aligns the students according to expectations. These methods set rules, plans and goals which are to be followed while learning. Customized learning is basically a targeted approach therefore most of the plans are according to the target. the methodology of working will also contain past experiences and results of the student. Below are some methods which can enhance customize learning